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Aug 26 – 30, 2024
University of Chicago
America/Chicago timezone

Gamma-ray signals from light dark matter

Aug 26, 2024, 4:30 PM
201 (MCP)




Maíra Dutra (NASA Goddard)


MeV gamma-ray astronomy will be soon revolutionized by the advent of new telescopes such as COSI, GECCO, and AMEGO-X. In this talk, I will discuss how these telescopes would probe the nature of dark matter (DM) within and beyond the WIMP paradigm. Light DM particles, with masses in the keV-GeV range, would generate gamma rays in the bandpasses of COSI, GECCO, and AMEGO-X through their decay or annihilation into photons, charged leptons, and light mesons such as pions. We consider the phenomenology of light DM in different models involving a new U(1) symmetry, which is common to many well-motivated extensions of the Standard Model of particle physics.

Primary author

Maíra Dutra (NASA Goddard)


Dr Tonia Venters (NASA Goddard)

Presentation materials