Aug 26 – 30, 2024
University of Chicago
America/Chicago timezone

Contribution List

303 / 303
Thomas Tavernier (FZU - Institute of Physics of the Czech Academy of Sciences)
8/27/24, 4:00 PM
Hugo Ayala (Pennsylvania State University)
8/27/24, 4:15 PM
Xiaojie Wang (Michigan Technological University)
8/27/24, 4:30 PM
Christopher Eckner (Center for Astrophysics and Cosmology, University of Nova Gorica)
8/27/24, 5:00 PM
Kelly Malone (Los Alamos National Laboratory)
8/28/24, 2:15 PM
Samantha Wong (McGill University)
8/28/24, 2:30 PM
Chang Dong Rho (Sungkyunkwan University)
8/28/24, 2:45 PM
Hongyi Wu (University of Wisconsin-Madison)
8/28/24, 4:30 PM
Tulun Ergin (Michigan State University, Physics and Astronomy Department)
8/28/24, 4:45 PM
Ettore Bronzini (University od Bologna & INAF-OAS)
8/28/24, 5:00 PM
Gunjan Tomar (Raman Research Institute)
8/29/24, 2:45 PM
Lab Saha (Center for Astrophysics | Harvard & Smithsonian)
8/29/24, 3:00 PM
Benedetta Bruno (ECAP, FAU Erlangen-Nürnberg)
8/29/24, 3:15 PM
Ryuji Takeishi (Institute for Cosmic Ray Research, University of Tokyo)
8/29/24, 5:15 PM
Gianfranco Bertone
8/30/24, 12:10 PM