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Aug 26 – 30, 2024
University of Chicago
America/Chicago timezone

Seeking pulsars for dark matter scattering searches

Aug 27, 2024, 2:15 PM
201 (MCP)




Narayani Tyagi (Queen's University)


The heating of an old neutron star (NS) due to dark matter annihilation and kinetic heating provides a compelling avenue for dark matter detection. This process can significantly elevate the temperature of the NS, potentially making it observable as a black body with telescopes like the E-ELT or TMT, particularly for those NSs in close proximity. Given that the majority of NSs have been identified as pulsars, these represent a critical class of nearby candidates for observing dark matter heating. I will discuss the challenges and methods involved in identifying the closest pulsar by revising the electron column density map for the region near Earth.

Primary author

Narayani Tyagi (Queen's University)

Presentation materials