The first LHAASO catalog (1LHAASO) has revealed 32 new very high energy (VHE; 100 GeV < E < 100 TeV) and ultra high energy (UHE; E > 100 TeV) gamma-ray sources in the Northern sky. These sources correspond to some of the most powerful accelerators in our Galaxy and beyond. VERITAS is an Imaging Atmospheric Cherenkov Telescope (IACT), which is sensitive to VHE gamma-rays and can provide complementary observations of these 1LHAASO sources with finer angular and spectral resolution. More detailed spectro-morphological studies will aim to confirm the associations of these sources with known multiwavelength counterparts and constrain the sites of particle acceleration in these extreme environments. In this talk, we present the VERITAS follow-up strategy for the nineteen 1LHAASO sources with which we have overlapping archival data, as well as some preliminary results of these analyses.