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Aug 26 – 30, 2024
University of Chicago
America/Chicago timezone

Status of the TESSERACT Dark Matter Experiment

Aug 26, 2024, 5:15 PM
Cafe (MCP)



Cafe, MCP


Michael Williams (Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory)


The TESSERACT collaboration will search for dark matter particles below the proton mass through interactions with two types of novel, ultra-sensitive detectors, These detectors, SPICE and HeRALD, aim to provide leading sensitivities to low mass dark matter candidates. The HeRALD experiment will use superfluid He-4 as a target material, which is an ideal kinematic match for dark matter nuclear recoils. SPICE will use different polar crystals with background discrimination to be sensitive to dark photons and other ER and NR signals. Both detectors will be read out by Transition Edge Sensors (TES) that are sensitive to phonon, roton, and light signals from LHe and crystal phonons and photons. In this talk I will be discussing the current R&D progress on SPICE and HeRALD and preliminary simulations of the eventual underground detector.

Primary author

Michael Williams (Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory)

Presentation materials