The High Altitude Water Cherenkov (HAWC) Observatory was officially inaugurated in 2015 and will soon reach 10 years of accumulated data. Of the many discoveries HAWC has made, one of the most scientifically interesting is the detection of many sources emitting gamma rays past 100 TeV. HAWC’s first publication on this topic, in 2020, contained three sources and at the time, was the highest-energy astrophysical source catalog to date. With more data and improved reconstruction algorithms, this number has increased to more than 15 HAWC sources that have > 5 sigma emission above this energy threshold. This includes both leptonic and hadronic sources, and the detections provide clues as to the origins of Galactic cosmic rays. In this talk, I will highlight HAWC’s most recent ultra-high-energy map and discuss some recent analyses, including transient searches for ultra-high-energy gamma rays and potential multi-messenger applications.