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Aug 26 – 30, 2024
University of Chicago
America/Chicago timezone

A Method to Investigate Potential Time Variation in the Cosmic-Ray Anisotropy

Aug 26, 2024, 2:15 PM
401 (ERC)




Perri Zilberman (University of Wisconsin-Madison)


There is an observed anisotropy in the arrival direction distribution of cosmic-rays in the TeV-PeV region with variations on the scale of one part in a thousand between different areas of the sky. Though the origin of this anisotropy is an open question a possible factor is cosmic-ray interactions with interstellar and heliospheric magnetic fields. These magnetic fields may change over time - for example, due to changes in solar activity over the course of its 11 year solar cycle. The cosmic-ray anisotropy can reflect these time-dependent magnetic fields. We describe a general, model-independent method to detect time variations in the cosmic-ray anisotropy. The methodology is then validated using 1/12 of the cosmic-ray data taken by the IceCube Neutrino Observatory from 2012 through 2023.

Primary author

Perri Zilberman (University of Wisconsin-Madison)


Juan Carlos Díaz Vélez (University of Wisconsin - Madison) Paolo Desiati (University of Wisconsin - Madison)

Presentation materials