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Aug 26 – 30, 2024
University of Chicago
America/Chicago timezone

Next-Generation Diffuse Neutrino Combined Fit: Inclusion of Multi-Flavour Shower Events Partially Contained in IceCube

Aug 27, 2024, 4:00 PM
161 (ERC)




Zoe Rechav (University of Wisconsin Madison)


Recently, the IceCube Neutrino Observatory has reported a deviation from a single power law in the extragalactic diffuse neutrino flux. This deviation is primarily driven by the hardening of the low-energy flux below 30 TeV. However, the behavior of the spectrum at higher energies remains uncertain; it is unclear whether it continues, cuts off, or exhibits other features. Partially-contained cascades, which are all-flavour neutrinos with interaction vertices at the edge or outside of the detector instrumentation volume, could contribute to clarifying certainties of the spectrum at high energies. Utilizing a neural network-based event selection consisting of these all-flavour cascade events, and previously employed in the observation of Galactic neutrinos, we propose a combined event selection of neutrino cascades, both contained and partially contained, together with through-going and starting muon neutrino tracks. Incorporating the addition of this cascade event selection, recently improved understandings of the Antarctic ice, and updated modeling of the atmospheric neutrino background, sensitivities will be shown to probe features of the astrophysical spectrum.

Primary author

Zoe Rechav (University of Wisconsin Madison)


Emre Yildizci (University of Wisconsin-Madison) Lu Lu (University of Wisconsin-Madison)

Presentation materials