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Aug 26 – 30, 2024
University of Chicago
America/Chicago timezone

Unraveling the Complex Gamma-Ray Emission from eHWC J1825-134 Region with HAWC: the Transition of TeV Halo

Not scheduled


Dezhi Huang (University of Maryland, College Park)


Located in the southern field of view of the High Altitude Water Cherenkov (HAWC) observatory, the eHWC J1825-134 region is one of the most complicated gamma-ray emission sites on the galactic plane. The region contains a few PeVatron candidates that can accelerate particles up to PeV energies. Disentangling the overlapping gamma-ray emission and associating it with accelerators is crucial to understanding the mechanism of cosmic-ray acceleration and gamma-ray production near the accelerators. In this talk, I will present the ultra-high-energy gamma-ray emission observed near the powerful pulsar PSR J1826-1334 and the surrounding larger extended gamma-ray emission. The large extended gamma-ray emission may indicate that the system is transitioning to a TeV halo, where electrons begin to diffuse through the interstellar medium.

Primary author

Dezhi Huang (University of Maryland, College Park)

Presentation materials

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