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Aug 26 – 30, 2024
University of Chicago
America/Chicago timezone

Looking at Low-Luminosity AGNs under a gamma-ray lens

Not scheduled


Gunjan Tomar (Raman Research Institute)


Low-luminosity AGNs (LLAGNs) are super-massive black holes accreting at low, sub-Eddington rates (with Eddington ratio, L$_{bol}$/L$_{AGN} \leq 10^{-3}$). Despite occupying approximately 40% of the local Universe, these sources are less explored due to their faintness. Recent gamma-ray observations have revealed new insights into these sources. Utilizing data from the Fermi Gamma-ray Space Telescope, we perform comprehensive spectral energy distribution (SED) modeling to decipher the gamma-ray properties of LLAGNs.

Our study highlights the role of kiloparsec-scale jets in these systems, investigating gamma-ray emission through processes such as inverse Compton scattering of starlight (IC/starlight) photons. I will present a comparison between leptonic and hadronic models in the jets of LLAGNs and how these jets fit in the luminosity spectrum of AGN activity.

Primary author

Gunjan Tomar (Raman Research Institute)

Presentation materials

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