Studying UHE $\gamma$-ray sources and their emission provide insights into the source of the most energetic ($\sim$ PeV) particles, which is key in identifying the origin of the galactic cosmic-ray spectrum. Recently, the Large High Altitude Air Shower Observatory (LHAASO) collaboration published the largest to-date catalog of UHE $\gamma$-ray sources. While most of the sources are either identified as Pulsar Wind Nebulae (PWNe) or Supernova Remnants (SNRs), many remain unidentified. One such source is 1LHAASO J2002+3244u; coincident with radio SNR G69.7+1.0 and a GeV Fermi source. To identify the origion of the emission --whether it is leptonic or hadronic--, we analyzed newly acquired JVLA data of the field around the TeV source, and in this talk, I will present our findings and their implications.