DAMIC-M aims to directly detect DArk MAtter in CCDs in the Laboratoire Souterrain de Modane. By employing fully depleted Charge-Coupled-Devices (CCDs) and a floating gate ("skipper") amplifier, the detector can resolve eV-Scale interactions in the silicon bulk. This unprecedented resolution enables DAMIC-M detector to probe new area of parameter space for Hidden Sector Dark Matter. The DAMIC-M prototype, the Low Background Chamber (LBC), was constructed at the Laboratoire Souterrain de Modane in 2022. The detector features two skipper CCD modules, totally 25g of silicon target mass. The LBC has already achieved a background rate of 6. We will report on the status of the DAMIC-M experiment, the LBC operations, and the results on the search for dark matter – electron scattering.