Decades of astrophysical observations point to the existence of a feebly interacting particle comprising 85% of the matter content of the universe. A promising candidate is the QCD axion, a natural product of the Peccei-Quinn mechanism that solves the strong CP problem. This talk will focus on the use of resonant haloscopes to search for axion dark matter, notably, the Axion Dark Matter eXperiment (ADMX) and the DMRadio experiment. I will present the most recent results from ADMX and the plan for the forthcoming ADMX-EFR experiment, which uses a multi-cavity array to search for dark matter. I will also discuss progress in the design and commissioning of the DMRadio-50L experiment, which will serve as a quantum testbed, as well as the DMRadio-m3 experiment, which targets the DFSZ axion at sub-ueV masses