The mm Universe 2025 conference will be hosted at the Kavli Institute for Cosmological Physics (KICP) at the University of Chicago from June 23-27, 2025.
This conference will bring together the international scientific community to discuss the latest progress in both theoretical and observational topics related to the mm Universe, from stellar
to cosmological scales. The broad range of topics to be discussed include:
- Cosmology from mm-wave observations
- Thermal & kinetic SZ
- Galaxy cluster physics (from SZ, X-ray, and optical/IR observations)
- Galaxy formation in the early Universe
- Nearby galaxies
- Galactic star formation
- From dust to planets
- mm Synchrotron Sources and Transient Sources
- mm Instrumentation
- Simulations
While it is devoted to observations of the Universe at mm-wavelengths, as multi-wavelength
analyses are critical to understanding astrophysical processes and testing cosmological models,
the conference series is also opened to results and observations at other wavelengths. Registration and abstract submission will open November 13, 2024. Abstract submission closes February 14,2025. Registration closes March 14, 2025.
Payment links can be found here: