TeV Particle Astrophysics 2024

University of Chicago

University of Chicago

Ida Noyes Hall (Max Palevsky Theater): 1212 E 59th St # 3, Chicago, IL 60637 Eckhardt Research Center (161, 401, and 501): 5640 S Ellis Ave, Chicago, IL 60637 Gordon Center for Integrative Science (W301/303): 929 E 57th St, Chicago, IL 60637 Michelson Center for Physics: 933 E 56th St, Chicago, IL 60637

TeV Particle Astrophysics (TeVPA) is an international conference that covers the most recent advances in the field of Particle Astrophysics. This year, TeVPA returns to Chicago for the first time since its inaugural edition in 2005 (at Fermilab). This meeting will feature morning plenary sessions, and afternoon parallels on cosmic ray physics, gamma-ray astronomy, neutrino astronomy, cosmology, direct and indirect searches for dark matter, gravitational waves, and their connection to particle physics.




Plenary speakers: 


Hugh Lippincott – Dark Matter Icebergs

Annika Peter – Preparing simulations for the precision era of dark matter cosmology

Chelsea Bartram – Low frequency dark matter waves: a forecast

Noah Kurinsky – Dark Matter Ripples: High-Mass Axions and Low-Mass Fermions

Toshihiro Fujii – The 100 year endeavor for detecting the highest energy cosmic rays

Noemie Globus – Ultra High Energy Cosmic Rays: A Theoretical Review

Zhen Cao – LHAASO Updates in γ-ray Astronomy and CR Measurements (LHAASO Collaboration)

Tracy Slatyer – Where Next for Indirect Dark Matter Searches?

Nick Rodd – An Update on the Galactic Center Gamma-ray Excess

Ke Fang – Galactic and Extragalactic Neutrino Factories

Vera Gluscevic – Dark matter interactions: from the early universe to near-field cosmology

Carmelo Evoli – Galactic Cosmic Ray Leptons: New Results and Insights from TeV Halos

Regina Caputo – A Space-based Gamma-ray Observations for the Next Decade: Where we’ve been and where we’re going

Brian Metzger – Quasi-Periodic Eruptions from Star-Disk Collisions in Galactic Nuclei

Manuel Meyer – The Science Potential of the Cherenkov Telescope Array Observatory

Julian Munoz – Searching for new physics at cosmic dawn

Josh Ruderman – Phases of Particle Dark Matter Production

Kim Boddy – NANOGrav and Gravitational Waves from the Early Universe

Mariangela Lisanti –Galactic dynamics in the era of GAIA

Jessica Turner – Primordial Black Holes and the Early Universe

Philip Bull – 21 cm cosmology

Elisa Resconi – Active Galactic Nuclei as Counterparts of IceCube Neutrinos

Maya Fishbach – Astrophysical Lessons from LIGO-Virgo-KAGRA's Black Holes

Brian Clark – Experimental searches for ultra-high-energy neutrinos

Brian Batell – Probing the dark sector with accelerator experiments

          Gianfranco Bertone – Conference summary talk